Computational Fluid Dynamics: Consulting & Analysis


Gridder: download free version

Windows® 64-bit, version 10 and higher (33.1 MBytes): gridder52_free.exe. Current program version is 5.2 from 2/18/2025.

Installation instructions

In order to perform the installation, you need to have administrator rights. Run the self-extracting executable and follow through the few steps of the installation process. Unless there is anything you really have to change, it is safer to stay with the default settings. The default installation location is: "C:\Program Files\Gridder5_free".

The user's manual is located in the folder "manual". The manual can also be invoked from within Gridder (requires a pdf reader). In the folder "examples", you can find data files of various popular test cases. Finally, folder "CustomFormat" contains sources and VisualStudio® project for a plugin that you can use to save meshes in your own file format.

You can employ the free version for evaluation and testing purposes. Note that it can generate only a limited number of grid elements (32,000 in 2D and 750,000 in 3D).

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