Our best simulation software -
at your disposal
Currently, we offer the following program packages:
- Gridder is meant for the generation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional unstructured (mixed-element) grids. It offers a reasonable set of CAD capabilities, so that you can construct objects and boundaries of the simulation domain (guaranteed "watertight"). However, Gridder can just as well import geometry data from IGES files and thus offers a connection to virtually all CAD systems. If necessary, the imported geometry can be corrected, modified or enhanced from within the software. All steps of the grid generation process are controlled by an intuitive graphical user interface. All lines, arcs, curves and surfaces are defined as NURBS (NonUniform Rational B-Spline) objects in order to achieve a mathematically clean and versatile representation. Our main focus is on the generation of high-quality planar, surface and volume grids for CFD or FEM applications. Important for flow simulations, Gridder has the capability to generate meshes with viscous sub-layers (using quadrilaterals in 2D and prisms in 3D). Besides a commercial license, a free version of the software is also available. More details can be found on the next page.
- Snas3D is intended for an efficient simulation of three-dimensional flows on structured grids. The body-conform grids may consist of any number of blocks, enabling the treatment of relatively complex geometries. Thanks to various numerical methods available in the flow solver, the user can simulate a wide range of stationary, as well as unsteady flows. A well proven turbulence model is also built in. The software package further contains tools for the processing of grids (block splitting, conversion), generation of the initial solution, and for the preparation of visualization data. Provided is also a tool for the generation of structured grids in axial blade passages. The complete package can be downloaded for free and utilized for non-commercial or for evaluation purposes. Various commercial options, including purchase of the source codes, are also offered.
- MoveGrid - tool which allows you to move or to deform three-dimensional, unstructured, mixed-element grids. It is intended for flow simulations with moving boundaries (moving flaps and rudders, flutter, etc.), or where grid boundaries are reshaped by an optimizer. The package consists of a standalone program and a library with the same functionality. Thus, you can either use the program to move / deform the grid according to given boundary conditions, or you can do the same by calling the library from your own software. The algorithm employs linear elasticity equations of solid mechanics to move the grid nodes, which guarantees valid grid even in cases of large deformations and sheering. Thanks to a novel numerical formulation, the tool can handle grids consisting of a mix of tetrahedrons, prisms, pyramids and hexahedrons directly and efficiently.
For technical details, examples of use and the licensing, please follow the above links to the product pages.
Flow Simulation Software for Free
A companion website of Elsevier Science to the CFD book contains the sources of 1-D and 2-D Euler and Navier-Stokes flow solvers (structured and unstructured), as well as of basic grid generation programs. Further included are tools for Von Neumann stability analysis of 1-D model equations and examples of various parallelization techniques. The programs are written in Fortran90 and in C++ and are well documented. Although being kept reasonably simple, the 2-D flow solvers are capable of treating a large variety of flow problems, ranging from nearly incompressible to hypersonic flows and from airfoils over cascades to solid rocket engines. Several examples can be seen here.